Hongkong, Kina (del 2)
(29/1-09) I am just about to board my flight to Helsinki. I was very lucky last night when I finally found a vacant hotel room (below 2000 HKD/night!!). I started to look for a hotel room in Hongkong on the internet a few weeks ago, and realized that I should have booked well before that. It is Chinese new year now! That is the reason of the high hotel occupancy. I had the choice of either sleeping in the airport, which is never funny, or going into town to try my luck finding a room. I chose the latter, which turned out to be a success. I took the airport express train and got off at Kowloon station and started to walk towards Nathan road. With a lot of luck I found a room at the first little hotel I checked. A small room for 380 HKD at Ginza Hotel. Nice to sleep in a bed before a long and demanding flight!
A funny thing that happened to me a few minutes ago was that my hand baggage got stuck in the security. They spotted something dangerous inside it during x-ray. A nailcutter! Just had to throw it away. I was happy that it wasn’t made of gold and went on towards my gate.
Have to run now, boarding in 5 minutes! Hongkong-Helsinki 09.45 med Finnair.
Landade på Arlanda klockan 16.00 i ett vintrigt grått och småkyligt Sverige. Dags att konvertera till svensk dygnsrytm!
Har räknat ut att denna resa kostade mig 25 500:- inklusive alla flyg-, tåg- och bussbiljetter. Det är inte så illa för 40 dagar i tropikerna!
Hongkong var definitivt en positiv överraskning. Kommer med stor sannolikhet att åka tillbaka till denna häftiga storstad. En passande avslutningsbild till denna resa. Temperaturen låg på +14 grader den här dagen.